I Rented Out an Apartment to My Husband’s Mistress, and Their Next Date There Was Unforgettable – Story of the Day

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Woman with keys | Source: Midjourney

Woman with keys | Source: Midjourney

I Rented Out an Apartment to My Husband’s Mistress, and Their Next Date There Was Unforgettable – Story of the Day

By Yevhenii Boichenko

Sep 13, 2024

03:20 P.M.Share

The life of real estate agent Mila wasn’t bad. Work was better than ever, and she earned enough money to afford the life she had always dreamed of. But she felt like her husband was drifting away, becoming distant and cold. Everything fell apart when his mistress called Mila to rent an apartment.


Mila sat at the kitchen table, carefully arranging breakfast for herself and her husband, Richard.

The smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the cozy kitchen, and the sizzle of eggs cooking in the pan added warmth to the morning.

She slid the omelet onto a plate, adding some toast on the side, hoping the familiar routine would spark a connection between them.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

As she set the plate in front of Richard, she tried to make light conversation.”

So, any thoughts on our weekend plans? We could visit that new art gallery downtown, or maybe catch a movie. What do you think?” Her voice was gentle, trying to bridge the growing distance between them.


Richard barely lifted his head from his phone, giving a distracted grunt in response. “We’ll see,” he muttered, his eyes glued to the screen.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

Mila felt a twinge of disappointment but hid it behind a patient smile. This had become their routine lately—her trying to engage and him always seeming elsewhere.

As she poured herself another cup of coffee, Richard’s phone lit up again. Mila’s eyes, drawn by the movement, caught a glimpse of the name “Carol” flashing on the screen, along with a photo of a woman she didn’t recognize.

Her heart gave a small lurch, but she quickly composed herself.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney


“Who’s Carol?” she asked, her tone casual but her stomach tightening with suspicion.

Richard didn’t seem fazed. He barely even looked up as he responded, “Oh, she’s a business colleague. We’re having a meeting this weekend out of town. I’ll be gone until Monday.”

His voice was flat, matter-of-fact as if the conversation was no more significant than discussing the weather.

Mila forced herself to smile, though her chest felt tight.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

“Oh, I see. Well, have a safe trip,” she said, kissing him lightly on the cheek as he grabbed his keys and headed for the door. “I’ll see you Monday, then.”


As the door clicked shut behind him, Mila stood for a moment in the quiet kitchen, the warmth of breakfast seeming to fade.

She stared out the window, watching Richard’s car pull out of the driveway. A growing unease settled in her chest, gnawing at her insides.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

This business trip felt different—there was something about it that didn’t sit right with her, something more than just another weekend away.

Shaking off her unease, Mila turned her attention to her schedule for the day. She had a meeting with a potential client, a woman looking to rent a luxury apartment for the weekend.

Mila had always been dedicated to her work as a real estate agent, and today would be no different. As much as her heart weighed with suspicion, she needed to focus.


For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

Still, as she prepared to leave the house, the image of the name “Carol” on Richard’s phone lingered in her mind.

Something was off, but for now, all she could do was push those thoughts aside and head to her meeting. Little did she know, the day ahead would reveal more than she ever imagined.

Later that day, Mila walked into the apartment, her mind still reeling from the morning’s events. She tried to focus on her upcoming meeting, reminding herself that work was the best way to keep her thoughts at bay.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney


A new client had scheduled an appointment to view a luxury apartment for the weekend, and Mila had everything ready. However, as soon as the client walked in, Mila’s stomach dropped.

It was her. The same woman from Richard’s phone—Carol.

Mila’s heart raced, but she forced herself to remain calm and professional. She took a deep breath, masking the storm of emotions building inside her.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

Carol introduced herself with a bright smile, completely unaware of the turmoil her presence was causing.

Mila extended her hand, shaking Carol’s firmly, all while feeling as if the ground had just shifted beneath her.


“Nice to meet you, Carol,” Mila said with a calm she didn’t feel. “Let’s take a look at the apartment, shall we?”

As they toured the luxurious space, Mila struggled to keep her emotions in check. Her mind was screaming at her, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place with sickening clarity.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

This woman, her husband’s “business colleague,” was planning to spend the weekend in this very apartment—with Richard.

Trying to gather information without revealing her inner turmoil, Mila asked casually, “So, what brings you here? A special occasion, perhaps?”

Carol’s face lit up with a grin.


“Yes, actually. I’m spending the weekend with a very special man in my life. We’re finally getting some alone time.”

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

The words hit Mila like a punch to the gut. Every doubt she had was now a painful reality.

Richard wasn’t going on a business trip—he was planning a romantic getaway with Carol. Mila’s emotions began to boil, but she maintained her professional façade.

“How nice,” she managed to say, her voice steady despite the torrent of anger and betrayal she felt. She couldn’t allow Carol to sense that anything was wrong.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney


By the end of the tour, Carol was satisfied and signed the rental agreement without hesitation. Mila handed over the keys, her face composed, but her mind racing with thoughts of revenge.

As Carol left, Mila slipped a spare key into her pocket. A plan was already forming. She wasn’t going to let this betrayal slide—Richard and Carol were about to experience a weekend they would never forget.

On her way home, Mila couldn’t shake the fury building inside her, but she knew she had to keep her cool. She needed to play her part convincingly, so she dialed Richard’s number, forcing a sweetness into her voice that made her stomach churn.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

“Hey, are you coming home tonight?” she asked, pretending to be the doting wife. Her heart pounded as she waited for his response, every second filling her with more anger.


“No,” Richard replied, his tone distant and cold. “I’m already heading out of town. I’ll see you on Monday.”

Mila gripped the steering wheel tighter as she listened to his lies, barely able to contain the rage that bubbled beneath her calm exterior.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

Richard had lied to her face without hesitation, and it stung deeper than she had expected. How easily he dismissed her. But now, she knew the truth, and it was her turn to act.

She wasn’t going to cry or beg for answers. She had something far more satisfying planned.

“Okay, have a safe trip,” she said with forced warmth before hanging up. The moment the call ended, her hands trembled, not from sadness but from the anger that coursed through her veins.


For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

The betrayal was real, and Mila was done playing the role of the trusting, naïve wife.

Later that evening, she sat in her living room as she dialed another number.

This time, her voice was calm but filled with a new determination. She wasn’t just acting anymore—this was her plan in motion.

“Everything’s set,” Mila said smoothly into the phone. “We’ll meet there at 8 p.m.”

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney


The man on the other end agreed without hesitation, and Mila smiled for the first time since that morning.

A wave of empowerment rushed over her. This wasn’t just about catching Richard in the act—this was about making him pay for what he had done.

She hung up and stood from the couch, her mind clear and focused. Tonight was the night she would confront both Richard and Carol, but not in the way they expected.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

It was time for them to experience the consequences of their betrayal, and Mila was ready to make sure it was a night they would never forget. Mila arrived at the apartment exactly at 8 p.m., her heart racing but her expression calm.


Beside her stood Carol’s boyfriend, a tall man with an angry scowl etched across his face.

His fists clenched as they quietly let themselves into the apartment using the spare key Mila had kept. The plan was in motion, and Mila wasn’t about to back down now.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

The two of them crept through the hallway, the dim lighting making everything feel surreal. As they approached the bedroom, sounds of muffled conversation and laughter reached their ears. Mila’s stomach twisted, but she pressed on, leading the man through the door.

The sight that greeted them made her blood boil. There, lying in bed together, were Richard and Carol, oblivious to the storm brewing just outside their bedroom door.


The silence was broken by a furious shout.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

“What the hell is going on here?” Carol’s boyfriend roared, his voice echoing off the walls. His anger filled the room like a tidal wave, causing Carol to bolt upright, her eyes wide with terror. She scrambled to cover herself, her face draining of color as she realized what was happening.

Richard, on the other hand, looked pale and shaken. His body trembled as he slid out of bed, falling to his knees in front of Mila. “I didn’t know!” he stammered, his voice weak and desperate. “I didn’t mean for this to happen, I swear!”

But Richard’s pathetic pleas for forgiveness didn’t move Mila. Instead, they fueled her sense of justice. Carol, who had once been laughing and carefree, now stood in disgust, her lips curled as she glanced at Richard groveling on the floor.


For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

The man she had been cheating on stood silent, fists clenched, glaring at her with a mixture of rage and disbelief.

Mila, cool and composed, stepped forward, her eyes locked on Richard.

“Oh, Richard,” she began with a mocking smile, “remember how you insisted on that marriage contract? The one that states if either of us cheats, we owe the other a large sum of money in a divorce?”

Richard’s face turned as white as a sheet. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Mila continued, her voice steady and firm. “Well, I’ll be sending your things to you along with those divorce papers. It’s over.”

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney


Without waiting for a response, Mila turned on her heel, the sound of her shoes the only noise in the suddenly still room.

Richard collapsed back onto the bed, his face a mix of shock and regret as the weight of his actions crushed him. Carol, standing in stunned silence, avoided eye contact, her earlier bravado completely gone.

Mila walked out of the apartment with her head held high, a sense of victory swelling within her.

She hadn’t just uncovered Richard’s betrayal but took control of the situation, ensuring that she would emerge stronger, while he was left to drown in his regret. Justice, she thought, had been served.

Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

If you enjoyed this story, read this one: All old Carl had left in life was his house in the middle of nowhere. He lived there alone, wanting peace and quiet. The bank thought otherwise — the land Carl’s house was on had been bought for new construction, and his house was the last to be purchased. But this old man wasn’t giving up easily. Read the full story here.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.Share



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